"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Целиноград ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі Талапкер ауылының жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі
Коммунальное государственное учреждение "Общеобразовательная школа села Талапкер отдела образования по  Целиноградскому району управления образования Акмолинской области"

Ашық сабақ тақырыбы: "Project. A poem" Сынып: 9 "Д". Пән мұғалімі: Искендирова Ж.С.


Reading for pleasure

Teacher name:

Iskendirova Zh.S



Grade: 9

Number present:


Theme of the lesson:







Project. A poem

Learning objectives

9.S6  repeat terms; develop the ability to distinguish between tropes, stylistic figures and other means of expression; determine their role in the text;

9 W3: write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All lеаrners wіll bе ablе tо:

Read two poems in English. •.

Learn vocabulary for talking about poems.

Learn about stylistic figures and practise thinking of stylistic figures

Most learners will be able to:

Understand rhyming patterns in poems

answer the questions

Some learners will be able to:

make the metaphors, similes, repetition

write a poem

Lesson structure

Planned timings

Teacher activities

Student activities


Beginning the lesson

10 min

1.GreetingOrganization  moment

A)Checking the attendance

Warm up activity: 

B)  First of all let’s divide into 2 groups. Come here. Take the cards. Who takes ‘sound [ai], that will be the group “1” and who takes  [a]’ that will be the group “2”  

C)Check homework

Summarizing homework

Sts warm/greet the teacher

Sts work in pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words from the article.

 Light,night, right, bright, high,flight,fight



bad, dad, tag, bag, ,fan, hat, map

Ppt  about A.Kunanbaev


Main Activities

30 min

Read a poem. Explain lesson objectives.   A sonnet is a fourteen-line poem. The sonnets of Shakespeare are very popular and loved by people.


First of all, answer the question. What did I read?  In literature, what do we named it?  Have you ever heard this poem ?What about this poem? Do you like reading poem?

A)Look at the pictures on the blackboard.

b)Note to the book gallery.  

C)Now let’s write down new words of the lesson

Poem [ ˈpəʊɪm ] поэма, дастан, жыр

Poetry[ ˈpəʊətri ] поэзия, көркем өлең

Metaphor [ ˈmet.ə.fɔːr ] метафора

Rhyme[ raɪm ] ұйқас өлең

Rhythm[ ˈrɪðəm ] ырғақ

Verse[ vɜːs ] өлең

Syllable[ ˈsɪl.ə.bl̩ ] буын

Extract[ ɪkˈstrækt ] үзінді

Alone[ əˈləʊn ] жалғыз

D) Give information about L.Stevenson.  

The first group:

1. Who was L.Stevenson?

2.  What does he have in common with the writer Abay?

3.  What poems and stories do you know by Stevenson?

  The second group:

1. When  was L. Stevenson born?

2. How was his childhood?

3. How many stories and poems did he write?

E) Explain stylistic figure.

1.1 Work with text. Look through and try to answer the question patterns.

1.2 ‘’Find the stylistic figure’’.  Turn on music  Let’s listen to music. This music is full of metaphor, repetition and similes

A metaphor  is a figure of speech that refers, for rhetorical effect, to one thing by mentioning another thing


1.3. Work with book. Ex 2 Read the poem and find  Rhythm  patterns and write in your copy book

 The first group.

1 The Cow is about a cow that the writer has seen. From a railway carriage is about how we see the world when we are looking out of a train window.

Words that rhyme The Cow: white – might; heart – tart; there – air; stray – day; pass – grass; showers - flowers

The second group:

2. From a railway carriage: witches – ditches; battle – cattle; plain – rain; eye – by The Cow has three verses and From a railway carriage has one

The rhyming pattern for the Cow is ABAB CDCD EFEF The pattern for From a railway carriage is AABBCCDD.

Exercise 5 . Students are now ready to write their own poem.

Giving marks

Individual work

Assess orally


Good job

Well done

Very good   

Assess by words

Each group





Group work.




Assess each other











Pair work

By stars



Group work



















Picture with name of literature tools










Student’s boook




























Last 5min





Home task: Ex 3 Learn by heart a poem

Giving Feedback




Saying goodbye


Sts reflect the lesson




Жаңартылған күні: 14.02.2022 14:39
Құрылған күні: 14.02.2022 14:39

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